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high season


In the tourist high season of the Lunar New Year which has just passed, more than 250 flights have been unable to come and [] legco.hk 剛過去的農曆新年1. There is a secondhighseasonin November. 11月是第二个旺季。youdao 2. It'shighseasonfor bird flu. 这个季节是禽流感的高发季节。youdao 3. This is thehighseason,

the season when travel is most active and rates are highest 相似短语high season旺季,繁忙季节high water season洪水季on season旅游旺季at this season在此季节in high season - mint julep 詞:mint julep,南條レオ 曲:mint julep 揺れる白いスカート 空に両手広げ 波に足をとられ手をつないだ 引き寄せてこのまま全部溶けて

high season “high season”的中文翻译词典解释固定词组ph. 1. (旅游业)旺季相关词语highseason权威英汉双解英英网络释义high-season n. 1. (旅馆或旅游地区的)旺季the time of year when a hotel or tourist area receives most visitors 释义:全部,旺季下载手机版

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